Resume Playback

Resume playback

The resume playback feature allows users to watch videos across applications and pick up where they last left off viewing. Users can start watching a video on their desktop and continue watching from the same point they left off on their mobile devices. (Login/logout or clear browser cookies does not affect continuous viewing via the resume playback feature.)

Enabling the History Module and enabling "resumePlayback" in the History Module are both prerequisites for this feature.

Video progress bar

A video progress bar displays under the video thumbnail, and shows the point at which you stopped watching the video. In some cases, where the video is near the end, it may not continue as it's considered 'completely watched'. The progress bar is available when you are logged into KMS from your computer or mobile device.  

Your administrator is able to configure the percentage of the video that will count as ‘finished watching’. If these configurations are in place, "Resume Playback" functionality might differ.

There are four statuses for the progress bar:

  • Not watched: Doesn't have the progress bar indicator.
  • Partially watched: Displays a partial progress bar up to the point the media was watched.
  • Watched: Displays a full progress bar. This status is set when viewing until the end of the video and isn't displayed when "replaying" the video.
  • Completed watching, but watching again: Once you have completed watching a video, the bar changes color to indicate the last watched point. 

Video progress bar indicates 'Watched' 

Note: If the progress bar doesn't update instantaneously, try refreshing your browser.


Enabling the History Module and enabling "resumePlayback" in the History Module are both prerequisites for this feature.

Kaltura's video portal playlists also support History and Resume Playback, making it easy to keep track of the media watched in a playlist, along with watch progress of individual media.

If enabled, the video portal records your viewing progress in a playlist. After having watched a portion of a playlist and leaving, the user can return to the playlist again and pick back up from the last media they watched. For example, if a user watches Media A in its entirety, then begins to watch Media B before leaving, playback will start with Media B upon returning. 

The video progress bar also displays on media in the playlist. In the example below, a full gray progress bar on Entry 1 indicates the user has finished watching the media. A partial blue progress bar on Entry 2 indicates the user has only partially watched the media. No progress bar on Entry 3 indicates the user has not started watching this media.

Homepage playlists

On the Homepage, your administrator might decide to add one of the following new playlists: ‘Recently Watched' and ‘Continue Watching’.

  • Recently Watched playlist contains the latest videos on your History page.
  • Continue Watching playlist contains the videos from the History page that you started watching, but did not complete watching. 

The Continue Watching progress bar (aka History Progress bar) displays in all the Search results pages. 

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