Use the Channeltopics module to organize and filter video portal channels by predefined topics. This feature enhances search functionality, making it easier to find and manage content within your Kaltura environment.
Before configuring the Channeltopics module, you must create a custom metadata schema in the KMC to define your topics. This schema will serve as the foundation for filtering channels by topic. Follow the steps in our article Create a custom data schema.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Channeltopics module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/channeltopics.
The Channeltopics page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
profileId - Choose the custom data schema you created in the KMC, for example 'Categories Filters'.
- Click Save so the topicField values (see next step) can be populated.
If you need to update your schema, navigate to the Custom data tab in the KMC, select your schema, and edit the fields as needed.
topicField - Choose the custom data 'System Name' of the field containing the predefined topics.
The system will automatically populate the Topic Field with the predefined topics from your schema, such as:
- Marketing
- Product
- Sales
- Project
topicsFilter - Choose where the filter appears. Select from the following:
- Available: Visible on both "My Channels" and "All Channels" pages.
- In My Channels only: Visible only on the "My Channels" page.
- Not Available: Hides the filter from all pages.
Choose the visibility of the Topics filter based on your users' needs, for example:
- Use 'Available' for comprehensive filtering across all channels.
- Use 'In My Channels only' for user-specific channel views.
3. Click Save.
End result
On the channel's Edit page, select a topic to associate to the channel.