User analytics in Blackboard


The User Analytics dashboard enables you to discover all the activities a specific user performed in the platform.  You can view a user’s dashboard by clicking on a user name anywhere in the Analytics dashboard – from the Contribution dashboard or the Engagement dashboard. The User dashboard can be used to learn about a user's viewing habits and creation methods. The dashboard can be used to explore user behavior in different time periods and even compare between different periods. You can also filter based on a variety of parameters, including tags and media type. To learn more see Working with the User Analytics Dashboard.

As a reference for analytics terms and definitions, please see the Kaltura analytics terminology article.

The User Analytics dashboard contains the following sections:


The top panel of the User Analytics dashboard provides an overview with details (User role, Email, and Registration date), as well as highlights which give a snapshot of the important metrics on the users activities for the selected timeframe:

Player impressions - A player impression event is counted each time the player is loaded on the page.

Plays - A play is counted when a user clicks the Play button to watch a video. If the player is set to auto-play, a play event will be counted when the player begins to play the video.

Minutes viewed - Total number of playback minutes played by the viewers, based on quartile milestones. Calculated for VOD entries only. Example: If a user watched 4 minutes from a 10-minute video it will be calculated as 2.5 minutes (25% milestone).

Avg. Completion rate - Average percentage of completion, across all plays. Calculated for VOD only. Example: If a user once watched 20% of the video and the second time watched 80% of the video, the calculation will be:
(20+80)/2 plays = 50% Avg. Completion Rate.

Added Entries - How many entries were added.

Social highlights - Total number of Likes and number of times the media was shared.


In this section you can see where the user's top location for activities, most used devices, and top watched videos. Under Insights, you can find information about the user's habits, such as what days the user is most active on, on what websites they usually watch videos, and their favorite tools for creation. 

Engagement activity

By clicking on the "Viewer" tab you can see all the user's engagement activity. In this tab, are viewing metrics over time, viewing heatmaps, and the user's engagement funnel.

Metrics Over Time

To explore engagement trends over time, use the graph to review key metrics.


You can view the data for each metric in daily or monthly granularity. Hover over any point in the graph to see the detailed data. You can also compare to another metric by selecting another metric from the drop down list.

To change the time period or filter the data, use the date picker and filter panel at the top of the dashboard. You can also compare data from different time periods. For more information, see Working with User Analytics Dashboard

Under the player graph you can see an in-depth analysis of all entries the user viewed.

For each entry you will see:

  • Number of plays: Number of times the Play button was pressed.
  • Number of player impressions: Defines how many times the video was loaded on the page, regardless of whether the user clicked Play or not.
  • Number of minutes viewed
  • Average view time
  • Total completion rate: The system looks across all views of the video and reports the total percentage of the video watched in total. Note that the completion rate does not report on the same section of the video twice, so if a user watched half of the video twice, the 'Total completion rate' will be 50%. If the user watched the first half of the video yesterday and the second half of the video today, the 'Total completion rate' will be 100%.
  • Average completion rate: The 'Total completion rate' divided by the number of plays.

User Engagement Heatmap

For each entry, by clicking the arrow next to their name, you can view a heatmap indicating which part of the video they watched.

For each entry, 4 tiers are available to analyze the user's engagement on the duration of the entry:

  • Not viewed - this section wasn't viewed by the user
  • Viewed once - this section was viewed once by the user
  • Viewed twice - this section was viewed twice by the user
  • Viewed more than 2 times - this section was viewed more than two times by the user

Engagement Funnel

The engagement funnel shows the viewer journey, from discovery to viewing the entire video. The following metrics are shown in the funnel:

  • Player impressions
  • Plays
  • Plays that reach <x%> percent play through - this can be selected by the user.

Contribution activity

By clicking on the "Contributor" tab you can see all the user's contribution activity. In this tab, are contribution metrics over time, top videos contributed by this user, and the main methods this user contributes content.

Contribution Metrics Over Time

To explore contribution trends over time, use the graph to review key metrics: 

  • Number of added entries
  • Number of content minutes added  

Use the tabs at the top of the graph to see the different metrics.

You can view the data for each metric in daily or monthly granularity. Hover over any point in the graph to see the detailed data. 

To change the time period or filter the data, use the date picker and filter panel at the top of the dashboard. You can also compare data from different time periods. For more information, see Working with the User Analytics Dashboard

Top Videos

These are the top videos this user contributed. You can see how successful these videos have been through the video score or based on specific metrics. 

Contribution Sources

Users can add content to the Kaltura platform in a variety of ways. They can upload files from their computer, use one of the many recording tools, stream live events, and much more. This graph displays how content is added to the platform and the most popular tools for content creation. You can use this information to better understand preferred methods of content creation and adoption of new content creation tools. 

To explore the use of content creation sources, use the graph to review key metrics: 

  • Number of added entries
  • Number of content minutes added 

Use the tabs at the top of the graph to see the different metrics.

Hover over any point in the graph to see the detailed data. 

To change the time period or filter the data, use the date picker and filter panel at the top of the dashboard. You can also compare data from different time periods. For more information, see Working with the User Analytics Dashboard.

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