Updated Articles

  1. Add attachments to media in Blackboard

  2. Download media in Blackboard

  3. Publish media in Blackboard

    About When you upload media, it’s private by default and accessible only through My Media . From there, you can either grab the embed code for private media or choose to publish it, making it public in your Media Gallery . Publi...
  4. Delete media in Blackboard

    About Keeping your media library organized and up-to-date is important. Over time, you may find that certain videos or media entries need to be updated or removed to maintain a high-quality learning experience. This g...
  5. Draftentry module

    The Draftentry module enables users to create an entry in the video portal without uploading any content, such as video, audio, or images.
  6. SAML module

    This module enables admins to set up SSO authentication for their video portal using the SAML 2.0 standard
  7. Edit a channel playlist

    This guide will walk you through accessing and managing your channel playlists in Kaltura's Video Portal.
  8. Transcoding - Admin Guide

    About The Transcoding m odule allows administrators to enable a list of media flavors to be shown in the Edit Media and Entry pages and give users the ability to delete, reconvert, and download those flavors themselves.    The s...
  9. Transcoding - User Guide

    About Administrators can enable a list of media flavors to be shown in the Edit Media and Media pages and give users the ability to delete, reconvert, and download those flavors themselves. The following sections outline user cap...
  10. Kaltura data sharing integration for Salesforce - How to set up Salesforce

    This article will walk you through setting up Salesforce for Kaltura data sharing integration.
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