Updated Articles

  1.  Upload media from your desktop New

    About Uploading media from your desktop to Kaltura Mediaspace is a breeze! Follow the steps below, and you'll be able to effortlessly share your videos, audio files, and images. A user with an application role of privateOnlyRole and h...
  2. The Kaltura Player - Version 7.116

    Includes: Kaltura Player (V7), Player Plugins, Player Studio Date: May 19 , 2024 What's New Prevent seek / prevent forward seek  -  You can now disable seeking on a player or a specific entry by adding metadata. You ...
  3. Replace an entry via KMC

    About You have the option to swap out media content without altering the entry's metadata, ID or analytics. When replacing an entry, all transcoding flavors are updated together to prevent any errors between the old and new ver...
  4.  Introduction to the Player Studio

    About In this article, you will find an overview of Kaltura's Player Studio. KMC administrators can create, configure, update, and design media players to embed on any domain. Customize any element to create the desired exper...
  5. Advanced settings

    About The Advanced Setting widget allows you to manually edit the player configuration by adding/removing properties that are not exposed in the studio interface. This guide demonstrates several examples of how to control the cor...
  6.  Create a player

    About Ready to dive into the world of player creation? In this article, we'll show you how to craft your own Kaltura player. While there are three main types of players you can create in Kaltura Player Studio, each offers flexibility to su...
  7. Integrations tab

    Read the following guide to learn the Integration tab functionalities in the Player Studio. Under the Integrations tab,   administrators can setup and customize third-party integrations with the player such as YouTube, Cast, 3rd party anal...
  8. Visual tab

    Read the following guide to learn the Visual tab functionalities in the Player Studio. Under the Visual tab, administrators can change the look and feel of the player, such as adding a custom CSS, logo, change colors, and more. Access the Play...
  9. Userreports module

    About When enabled, this module allows generating reports for My Content Analytics and user analytics for media such as quizzes . User analytics : Channel / course managers can measure and analyze user engagement and contributions. ...
  10. My Content Analytics New

    About Do you invest time in creating great videos? Do you want to know if people are enjoying them or not? Now can easily see the analytics of all the videos you've created with Kaltura's My Content Analytics.   The My Content ...
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