Updated Articles

  1. Add content to a Media Gallery from a shared repository in Blackboard

    About The Shared Repository is an institution-wide media library where educators can access and share media content. Any media added to this repository is visible to all educators, allowing for easy sharing of resources a...
  2. Add content to a shared repository in Blackboard

    About The Shared Repository is an institution-wide media library where educators can contribute media for others to access and share. To add content, simply select the media you want to publish and ensure you fill in th...
  3. Shared Repository setup in Blackboard

    About The Shared Repository (also known as the Faculty Repository ) is an institution-wide media library where educators can store and access media content shared by other faculty members. Typically, there is one shared repository per KAF...
  4. Channel subscriptions

    Users can subscribe to channels to receive email notifications about new content and updates.
  5. Emailnotifications module

    About The emailnotifications module lets you easily set up and customize email notifications to be automatically sent every time a user carries out a specific action. You can choose to enable email notifications for alert...
  6. Order alignment services

    You can order captions based on a transcript file (txt), also referred to as alignment.
  7. Order chaptering services

    Adding chapters to your videos improves engagement and navigation.
  8. Order translations - Theming

    Translations provide a text version of the spoken language in a video, synced with the audio or video timing.
  9. Order translations Updated

    Translations provide a text version of the spoken language in a video, synced with the audio or video timing.
  10. Media page in Blackboard Learn

    About Kaltura's media page provides many features when it comes to viewing and interacting with your media.  The instructions below are for non-Theming users. If you have Theming  enabled, please refer to our article Media page -...
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