Server side notifications

The following are the supported KMC notifications:



Entry Add

An entry was successfully added the account.

Entry Block

An entry was blocked by a moderator or admin user.

Entry Delete

An entry was deleted.

Entry Update

An entry was updated/modified.

Entry Update Moderation

An entry’s moderation status was changed.

Entry Update Thumbnail

The default thumbnail of the entry was replaced.

Entry Update Permissions

An entry’s privacy settings were changed.

User Add

A new user was added to the Kaltura account.

User Ban

A user was banned from the Kaltura account.

 To enable the notifications

  1. In the KMC, select the Settings tab and then select the Integration Settings menu.
  2. Toggle Yes to receive server notifications.
  3. Enter the Notification URL and Save Changes.

For more information about the various notifications and how to implement a notification handler script on your server, refer to:


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