Player UI Labels Translations

The UI locale can be customized by adding translations to the dictionary object. Dictionaries can be added via the config object and the UI language, can be set via the locale config.

Defining new labels for a given language

The language dictionary is a key-value store defining, where the key is the UI placeholder name and the value is the translated string to appear.

The app developer may change the default values for one of the supported languages or add support for unsupported language by defining values for the player's pre-defined labels keys

A value in a key-value may be a string or an object containing a list of key-value pairs.

A sample English Dictionary may look like this:

en = English

The application will set the "ui" configuration on the root level of the player's config

"ui": {
    "translations": {
            en: {
                        "controls": {
                            "play": "Play",
                            "pause": "Pause",
                            "language": "Language",
                            "settings": "Settings",
                            "fullscreen": "Fullscreen",
                            "rewind": "Rewind",
                            "vrStereo": "vrStereo",
                            "live": "Live",
                            "unmute": "Unmute",
                            "next": "Next",
                            "prev": "Prev"
                      "settings": {
                            "quality": "Quality",
                            "speed": "Speed"
                      "language": {
                            "audio": "Audio",
                            "captions": "Captions",
                            "advanced_captions_settings": "Advanced captions settings"
                      "overlay": {
                                "close": "Close"
                      "error": {
                            "default_error": "Something went wrong",
                            "default_session_text": "Session ID",
                            "retry": "Retry"
                      "ads": {
                            "ad_notice": "Advertisement",
                            "learn_more": "Learn more",
                            "skip_ad": "Skip ad",
                            "skip_in": "Skip in"
                      "cvaa": {
                            "title": "Advanced captions settings",
                            "sample_caption_tag": "Sample",
                            "set_custom_caption": "Set custom caption",
                            "edit_caption": "Edit caption",
                            "size_label": "Size",
                            "font_color_label": "Font color",
                            "font_family_label": "Font family",
                            "font_style_label": "Font style",
                            "font_opacity_label": "Font opacity",
                            "background_color_label": "Background color",
                            "background_opacity_label": "Background opacity",
                            "apply": "Apply",
                            "caption_preview": "This is your caption preview"

For complete translation, reference see here.

For all the supported player languages, see

The default locale is English.

A translation file may contain all the keys in the English translation, and any key not found in the new translation will fallback to using the English one.

Choosing the display language (locale language)

Setting the display language is done by defining the locale config option, where English is the default one.

Only a locale that exist in the translations dictionary may be set, and setting a locale that doesn't exist will result in keeping the default one set.

ui: {
  locale: 'es', //set the desired locale
  translations: {
    en: {
      /*English dictionary like the above example*/
    es: {
      /*Spanish dictionary like the above example*/
    ar: {
      /*Arabic dictionary like the above example*/
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