New Articles

  1. I am having trouble installing Kaltura Capture. What should I do?

    Following are some reasons you may be having trouble installing Kaltura Capture.  Did you previously have the Kaltura Capture application installed on your device?  If yes, uninstall the app and 'clean' reinstall it using the fol...
  2. Set up Alias Hostname for KMS and KAF

    About Would you like your Video Portal or KAF SaaS environment to have a more personalized touch? You can easily set up a custom domain name, like or , to make your platform truly your own. When yo...
  3. Navigating the Powtoon Workspace Updated

    The Powtoon Workspace is your gateway to creating amazing Powtoon videos. In the Workspace, all the important information and functionalities are located in a single convenient location. Your Powtoon Workspace includes the following major sectio...
  4. Hostnames Module

    About This module allows you to setup a vanity URL or 'alias' for a particular Video Portal or KAF instance. You also can view your current site hostnames, add new hostnames and set a main alias. Prerequisite To setup a new...
  5. Cloudflare Implementation with Kaltura Applications

    Kaltura leverages Cloudflare , a network provider with security solutions such as certificate management, WAF, DDOS protection, and more, that ensures secure service with reliable performance. Through Cloudflare, admins enjoy simplified certificate...
  6. Interactive meeting rooms overview

    Kaltura Virtual Rooms is an innovative video conferencing tool that allows attendees to connect with others during your Virtual Event. There are many ways to utilize the real-time functionality. You will need to choose the best way for your audience...
  7. Events interactive tools overview

    To make up for that lack of physical interaction, it is vital to optimize your virtual event experience and atmosphere. Keep attendees leaning forward with live chat and crowd reactions that emphasize key moments in live sessions. Provide meeting ro...
  8. Events notifications overview

    In a Virtual Event, it may be difficult to gain your attendee's attention during the event or direct them to a certain session you want them to visit. It is not as easy as placing a sign in front of them ... or is it?  Notifications are a ...
  9. Events chat widget overview

    We highly recommend adding the chat widget to increase users’ engagement and collaboration during the live event.  Your attendees can enjoy the chat experience in two types of ways:   Peer-to-Peer Chat:   Provid...
  10. Events sponsors overview

    Sponsored content is a perfect way to get your sponsors involved and in front of your attendees. They can provide quality knowledge, sponsor a session, or showcase a demo of their product. Kaltura offers your sponsors a range of options to generate...
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