New Articles

  1. Captions and audio tracks

    The Kaltura Player supports subtitles, closed captions and audio description for both VOD and live content.
  2. Navigation

    The navigation plugin appears in the top right corner, letting viewers search and navigate content, chapters, slides, hotspots, and questions.
  3. Share & Embed

    Overview The share plugin appears on the top right corner of the screen and offers the viewer the ability to share content to social media channels, email, or as a direct link. Viewers can share the entire video or from a specific time stamp. ...
  4. Transcript

    About The transcript plugin displays captions in a window next to or below the player, allowing viewers to follow along or search and jump to a specific point in the video where a word was spoken. To use the transcript plugin ...
  5. What are the differences between the V2 and V7 players?

    Introduction In this article, you will learn about the improvements and enhancements offered with the updated Kaltura Player.  We invite you to check out the Kaltura Player V2 and the latest version of the Kaltura Player in a side-by-side v...
  6. Kaltura Video Quiz Moodle Gradebook Integration with LTI 1.3 Deployment Guide

    This guide describes how to deploy the Kaltura Video Quiz Moodle Gradebook Integration with LTI 1.3. Audience This guide is for Moodle and Kaltura administrators that intend to integrate the Video Quiz (VQ)  feature with the Moodle Gra...
  7. Headermenu

    About About This module allows you to specify the items visible at the top right of the navigation bar ('header') or within the user drop-down menu. Additionally, you can use it to add a link to your My Profile page, whether it&#...
  8. Gallery

    Galleries define the taxonomy and hierarchical structure of your Kaltura MediaSpace site (KMS). Galleries are first  created  by the administrator via KMC  and then accessed through the MediaSpace navigation header. The Gallery ...
  9. Application module

    About This module allows you to manage the overall settings of your application and customize the features displayed in your environment. Here you can set the title of the application and adjust various entry-related features such as enablin...
  10. Channels

    About The Channels module is used to set up channels, configure roles and permissions for creating channels, and set the channel page display, sorting settings, and other configurations. To learn more about MediaSpace channels, check out our...
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