This article lists advanced configuration files and their options under the settings folder. Basic settings are available in the application.
To navigate to the Lecture Capture application’s settings folder:
- Right click on the Kaltura Classroom icon on the desktop and select Properties.
- Open the file location and go one folder up to Classroom.
- Select the Settings folder.
Lecture Capture is not supported on Mac or Chromebooks.
Lecture Capture settings folder
The following files are included in the Classroom>Settings folder.
- appPersistency.json – saves the application’s state for the next session.
- defaultSettings.json - contains all the settings for the application: user id, logs and others.
- localSettings.json – contains the application and uploader settings.
- scheduledEvents - contains the list of scheudled classroom events
Parameters for the localSettings.json file
This section lists the advanced settings that are configurable for the Lecture Capture application.
Please do not edit any other settings without consulting with your Kaltura representative.
Variable name | Description | Value |
appLoginIdleMinutes | Use only when authentication is configured. This setting determines after how long the application is idle it will logout automatically from the last logged in user. | Default = 15 |
authenticationUrl | Optional. This is the configured authentication URL setting that is required for ad hoc recordings with the KMS site. The URL format should be: https://<your_KMSportal_URL>/classroomcapture/index/user-details. The Default setting for authentication is not enabled. Use the KALTURA_AUTH_URL property in your command line to install the Authentication Feature. |
Variable name | Description | Value |
recordingsDir | This parameter lists the Recordings directory where the recordings are stored. | Default = displays |
Capture App
Variable name | Description | Value |
allowInfoNotifications | Enables warning notifications to users. | Default = True |
silentStart | When enabled, no splash screen is shown when the application is started and the application is minimized to tray when launched. | Default = False |
minimizeWhenRecordingStarts | Minimizes the application after 10 seconds of recording. | Default = False |
minimizeRecordingDelaySec | Defines how long after the recording starts the application will minimize. | Default = 10 |
restoreDefaultSettings > appIdleMin | Determines the restore for the default configuration time. If set to true and the default input settings are set, determine how long after the application is idle the settings should be restored to default. | Default = 10 |
System Health
Variable name | Description | Value |
maxCpuPercentage | When CPU is over this value, the user will be notified. | default = 70 |
minMemoryGB | When memory is lower than this value, the user will be notified. | Default = 2 GB |
minDiskspaceGB | When Disk space is below this value the user will be notified. | Default = 20GB |
Variable name | Description | Value |
Enabled | Enables the scheduling module in the application. | Default = true |
intervalSec | How often does the application retrieve it's schedule. This variable is defined in seconds. | Default = 300 (5 minutes) |
countdownInSec | How long before a scheduled event will the user be notified it is about to start. This variable is defined in seconds. | Default = 600 |
viewEventsAheadDay | How many days of scheduled events does the application store. | Default = 14 |
Variable name | Description | Value |
httpProxy | Configuration for proxy authentication. Contact your Kaltura project manager for help with configuration. | |
PostUploadAction | Set if local recordings should be deleted after upload or moved to the Completed folder. | Default = move (not deleted) . If you would like to remove, change the value to “remove”. |
Variable name | Description | Value |
capturePowerPoint | When enabled, allows you to record PowerPoint presentation slides that are automatically set as chapters. | Default = True |
captureSystemAudio | When enabled, capturing system audio is on by default. | Default = False |