Embed a channel / media gallery playlist


This article describes how to embed a Channel/Media Gallery playlist.

Channel/Media Gallery playlists are created so that you can share a certain selection of media assets with others through other web pages. The Embed feature enables you to share your playlist by rendering the player and linkage to the media assets as HTML code that can be added to any HTML page.

Channel/Media Gallery playlist content is publicly shared. Media assets in the playlist can be viewed over the web, where no login is required. If the content you are embedding needs to be secured, embed the playlist on a page that requires login.

For Channel and Category Embed, please refer to channelEmbed and categoryEmbed.

To generate embed code for a channel/Media Gallery playlist

  1. In KMS, select My Channels from the User drop down menu. In KAF, select Media Gallery.
  2. For Channels, click the Edit (pencil) icon on the channel thumbnail or click on thumbnail and choose Edit from the ACTIONS drop down menu. For Media Galleries, choose Edit from the ACTIONS drop down menu.
  3. Select the Playlists tab and click the Embed icon next to the playlist that you want to embed.
    The Share & Embed dialog is displayed.

You may perform the following actions: 

  • Copy or email the Watch Link
  • Choose a player
  • Choose a Max Embed Size
  • Turn on Auto Play
  • Copy the embed code
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