Edit a playlist in Canvas - Theming


This article describes how to edit playlists. After you have created a playlist, you can modify the playlist's details, content, and order from the edit playlist page.

These instructions are for Theming users. For non-Theming users, please see our article Edit a playlist

Access the edit playlist page

  1. Access the Media Gallery.
  2. At the top right of the Media Gallery, click the Actions menu and select Configure.
  3. The Edit Media Gallery page displays.

  4. Click the Playlists tab.
  5. The playlists in your Media Gallery display.

    You can modify the order of the playlists in the channel by grabbing the squares to the left and dragging.

    If you have many playlists, you can use the search field to find the desired playlist.

Editing options

The editing options are located in the Actions column on the far right: edit, delete and embed.

If your playlists have lengthy descriptions, use the scroll bar at the bottom to access the editing options on the far right.


  1. Click the pencil icon next to the playlist you want to modify.
  2. The Edit Playlist page displays.

  3. Edit your playlist details as desired. 
  4. The following features are available on the edit playlist page:

  • Media thumbnails (1
  • Playlist name (2) - Click in the field to edit the name.
  • Creator, number of items in the playlist, and when it was last updated (3)
  • Description (4) - Click in the description field to edit the text. Use the scroll bar on the right if there’s a lot of text.
  • Tags (5) - Click on the 'x' to the right of the tag name to delete it. Click in the tag field to type in new tags.
  • 'Add items to your playlist' column (6) - Add media to your playlist. See Create a playlist for further information.
  • 'My Playlist' column (7) -This section displays all items currently in the playlist. You can remove items or change their order as needed. For more details, see Create a playlist.

3. After you have finished editing the playlist, click Save at the top right.


  1. Click the trash icon next to the relevant playlist to delete it.
  2. A confirmation message displays: Are you sure you want to delete the playlist [name]?

  3. Click Delete.

Share and embed 

  1. Click the embed icon next to the relevant playlist to share and embed it.
  2. The Share &Embed window displays.

  3. Configure the following settings:
  • Embed Settings:
    • Choose Player - Choose the player in which to embed the media
    • Max Embed Size - Set the maximum size playlist to grab. This is set to responsive embed automatically.
    • Embed Type - Choose the type of embed (iFrame, Dynamic, or Auto).
  • To copy the embed code, click Copy Embed.

3. When you are finished making your selections, click Done.

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