Collection Page Guide

Collection pages are home to sets of channel pages. Attendees can browse collection pages to see the collection items, then click through to explore the channel content.

The Collection page has a search bar and ‘sort by’ options by default (can be disabled).

Choose your collection page view:

Collection Page - Grid

Collection Page - List

For each Collection page, please provide:

  1. Page Title -  The title you would like for the Collection page. Char limit – 60. The best practice is under ~40 char to avoid ellipsis.
  2. Page Description -  The Collection page description will appear underneath the title. Char limit ~250, then a ‘Read More’ option will reveal the full description (if applicable).
  3. Search bar text - What will show in the search box before clicking on it (e.g., Search for Sponsors, Search Tracks, etc.).
  4. Filters - The ability to filter the collection page. Best Practice: 1-3 filters.
    Optional: Tags on session cards. The tags are based on the value of the filter (Best practice is under ~20 char for each tag).

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