Updated Articles

  1. KMC Release Notes February 26, 2023 v7.10.3

    Version: v7.10.3 Date Released: February 26, 2023 Resolved Issues ID Description  KMCNG-2473 Prevent overriding entry adminTags when saving live settings ...
  2. KMC Release Notes November 26, 2023 v7.16.0 Updated

    Version: v7.16.0 Date Released: November 26, 2023 What's New Auth broker authentication and management
  3. KMC Release Notes December 24, 2023 v7.16.2 New

    Version: v7.16.2 Date Released: December 24, 2023 Resolved Issues Description Bug fixes ...
  4. Playlists Updated

    What is a playlist?  A playlist is a curated list of media (videos, audio, images) that can be played in sequence in your Kaltura applications. You can tailor playlists to your preferences, creating lists like "Most Viewed,&...
  5. Setting the Home Page of your Video Portal

    This guide demonstrates the MediaSpace V2UI. For the Theming Feature Set, visit Setting up a Homepage with the new Theming . Kaltura Video Portal aka MediaSpace's home page lets you curate and define specific content that you would li...
  6. Create Nested Filters

    About Nested filters are based on predefined criteria and simplify the process of finding and organizing media within shared repositories . When combined with custom metadata fields , these tools create a robust content managemen...
  7. Search for categories Updated

    About Looking for categories in the KMC ? The search box on the categories  page is your go-to tool, enabling you to locate specific categories or category attributes within your account effortlessly. Let's get started to enhance your...
  8. Why use custom metadata schema and nested filters when using a Shared Repository

    Custom metadata schema and nested filters enable us to fill in additional information when publishing content into a shared repository. Custom metadata schema allow us to add details in a form of fields while nested filters allows us to categorize...
  9. Submission Workflow for the LMS Video Assignments - Admin Guide

    About Use embedded video submissions as assignments to prevent the video from being edited or deleted across the board for LMS integrations.  There are three ways to enable the submission workflow -  Usi...
  10. API eSearch results limitation

    When generating an API call that renders more than 10,000 results, the following error message will occur: " CRITERIA EXCEEDED MAX MATCHES ALLOWED" This is expected as the eSearch results are limited to 10,000. Parameters bein...
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