Updated Articles

  1. Attendance information

    This article overviews how to gather attendance information for your webinar.
  2. Engagement tools

    Let's learn more about attendee and crowd reactions
  3. Recordings and Media tab - Recordings and media

    This article outlines how to work with recordings and media from your webinar
  4. Launch the room and prepare it

    Let's learn how to launch the room and prepare it for your webinar
  5. Getting to know your landing page and webinar site

    Let's get to know your landing page and webinar site
  6. Getting to know your event site, session page, and lobby page

    Let's get to know your event site, session page, and lobby page
  7. HubSpot integration for webinars

    HubSpot is a platform that connects marketing, sales, and services tools to a unified CRM database. Kaltura HubSpot integration creates HubSpot contacts for event registrants and updates their attendance status.
  8. Marketo integration for webinars

    Marketo integration for Kaltura Webinars allows you to receive and sync data on your webinar registrants and attendees from Kaltura to your Marketo account.
  9. Moderator app

    This article describes how to use the moderator app.
  10. Chat and Collaborate widget

    This article provides an overview of the Chat & Collaborate widget for both the Attendee and Moderator.
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