Sponsor Elements Guide

Kaltura’s virtual events platform offers your sponsors a range of options to generate quality leads, drive brand awareness, network with their prospects, and create business opportunities.  

(1) Company Marketing Name/ Sponsor Page Name 

Technical Specifications 

Chars limit: 60 

Display Method 

The name will appear on the top of the sponsor page. 

Notes and Recommendations 

Recommended are 18-20 chars for desktop, depending on the character size, and 13 for mobile. After that, there will be an ellipsis. 

(2) Company Logo (Featured next to the Company Marketing Name) 

Technical Specifications 

  • File type: JPG 
  • Max Size: 400px400px 

Display Method 

  • Shows in: On the top of the sponsor’s page; In the list of all sponsors' pages. 

(3) Company Description  

Display Method 

  • Shows in: Sponsor’s channel page under the page name and on the “About” tab. 
  • The first ~150 chars will appear under the channel name.  A “Read More” link will appear if the text has exceeded approx. 150 chars. 

Notes and Recommendations 

  • The text under the channel name can be cut by adding a line break (in this case a 'read more’ link will not appear). 
  • 2,500 Characters Max 

(4) Channel Page Header Banner (Background image)  

Technical Specifications 

  •  w1920xh1080 jpg 

Display Method 

  • Shows on the top of the sponsor’s channel page. 

Notes and Recommendations 

  • The image will be cropped according to the viewport display settings. 

  • Do not include any text in the image. 

  • The image should not be too noisy so the UI on top will be clear (please keep the banner header as atmospheric as possible without many details). 


A picture containing light Description automatically generatedA picture containing snake Description automatically generated



A picture containing text, indoor, cluttered Description automatically generatedA person holding a phone Description automatically generated with low confidence


(5) Welcome Video  

Technical Specifications  

  • Video: 1920x1080 (HD), MP4. 

  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 

Display Method 

  • Each sponsor should submit one Welcome Video to be displayed in the header section on their sponsor’s page.  

Notes and Recommendations 

  • Welcome video must be provided to collect leads from channel page visits.  

  • The welcome video auto-plays (muted) when attendees enter the sponsor channel page. 

  • The welcome video can include sound. 


(6) Channel Page CTAs  

Display Method 

  • The sponsor channel page header banner can include up to 2 custom CTAs  (up to 3 CTAs total per page – if both chat and live rooms CTAs are enabled, only 1 custom CTA can be displayed).  

  • CTA target URL should begin with https:// 

  • CTA label char limit: 15 

Chat Widget  


Technical Specifications 

  • (1) Welcome message/description: 150 char max. Appears over the “Start a Conversation” button. 

  • (2) Auto-reply message (optional): 500 char max. Will be sent automatically to the attendee after first message. 

Display Method 

  • Moderated chat with attendees (appears on the sponsor page)  

Marketing Materials 


Technical Specifications 

Video specifications: 

  • Full HD 1920x1080, MP4 

  • 16:9 ratio 

For each asset, please provide: 

  • Thumbnail (Full HD 1920x1080, JPG/PNG) 

(Optional for video assets. If not provided, the platform will automatically generate a thumbnail from the video. Mandatory for entries that include attachments only and no video.) 


  • Title (60 char limit) 

  • Description 250 char limit 

  • Tags (comma separated) - Optional 

  • Attachments (optional): 

  • Filetype: PDF, word, excel, PPT 

  • Attachment Title: 20 char max. 

  • Attachment Description: 20 char max. 

Display Method  

  • Assets will be available on the sponsor’s channel page.     

Brand and Awareness Elements  

Bumper Videos 

 A picture containing text, nature, cloud, night sky 
Description automatically generated 

Bumper Ads: Clickable ads play before VODs and direct to the sponsor’s channel page. 

Technical Specifications 

  • 16:9 ratio 

  • Full HD 1920x1080, MP4 

  • The bumper video can include sound 

Notes and Recommendations 

  • Can only be connected to VOD content 

Push Notifications

Notifications: Clickable toast notifications to all attendees or targeted audience. 

Technical Specifications 

  • CTA = 150 characters max  

  • Links to: (session/sponsor page) 


Banner Ads (Home page / Entry page)  

A picture containing text, screen, screenshot 
Description automatically generated 

Clickable banner ads are available on the event homepage and all entry pages. 

Technical Specifications 

  • Ads ratio: 16:9  

  • Ads size: 600X338 (png/jpg) 

Notes and Recommendations 

Banner ads come in pairs. There must be exactly 2 ads per component.  

Custom Carousel on Homepage

The Custom Carousel allows Kaltura to highlight our sponsors and direct attendees to the sponsor's booth and/or other locations on the desired event site.

For this carousel, we offer two options, requiring different deliverables. 

Round Logo:


1. Logo Images: Please provide an image square of 800X800 pixels (PNG/JPG) for each sponsor. The sponsor's logo should be placed in the middle of the square (diameter 800). The logo image background should be the same as the event page color (for summits, black, #000000). The image may include the applicable title.

2. Destination URL: Where should the logo direct attendees to?

Card View:


1. Logo Images: Please provide a logo of 710X400 pixels (PNG/JPG) for each sponsor. It can be the same logo image that was collected from the sponsors for the booth deliverables, modified to the above specs. 

2. Destination URL: Where should the logo direct the attendees to?

3. Card Title: For 6 cards: 19 char max (including spaces).

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