Create a playlist in KAF
This article describes how to create and add media to a playlist in KMS and KAF.
Manage Playlists
After you create a playlist, you can perform various management activities in KMS and KAF.
Access Playlists
This article describes how to access playlists and the Playlist Playback page in KMS and KAF.
Delete a Playlist
This article describes how to delete a playlist in KMS and KAF.
Playlist Details Page
This article describes how to work in the Playlist Details page in KMS and KAF.
Edit Playlist Details
This article describes how to edit playlists in KMS and KAF. After you have created a playlist, you can modify the playlist's details, content, and order from the Edit Playlist Details page.
My Playlists Page
This article describes how to work in the My Playlists page in KMS.
Embed a Channel/Media Gallery Playlist
This article describes how to embed a Channel/Media Gallery playlist.
Modify the Channel/Media Gallery Playlist Order
This article describes how to modify the Channel/Media Gallery playlist order in the Playlists tab.