Kaltura Extension for Moodle Admin - Overview & Exercises


Let's Practice

Login to your Moodle account.

Change the Player ID

  1. Go to the Kaltura Application Framework Admin page and locate the "Player" module.
  2. Identify the "playerId" field.
  3. Enter the playerID of your choice.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Reload your Moodle page and see the new player.

Add a Custom Metadata Schema

  1. Go to the Kaltura Application Framework Admin page and locate the "Customdata" module.
  2. Change the "profileID" to reflect the schema you created in the KMC exercises.
  3. Change one of the fields and make it a required field.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Reload your Moodle page and see the new metadata fields when uploading a new entry.

Add a Player to the Browse and Embed Option

  1. Go to the Kaltura Application Framework Admin page and locate the "Browseandembed" module.
  2. Under the "embedSettings" add a new player using the "+ Add embedSizeCutom" option.
  3. Fill in the relevant information for the new player.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. Reload your Moodle page.
  6. Embed a new entry using the rich text editor and see the newly configured player.

Locating Course Videos in KMC

  1. Select a course in Canvas and click on its Media Gallery
  2. Look at the URL bar. You should see a string of numbers  after "courses" - this is your Course ID.
  3. Login to the KMC using your KMC credentials.
  4. Go to the Categories tab
  5. Search for the course ID.
  6. After your search results are rendered, you should see your course. You can click on the Options menu and see all the media entries associated with this specific course.
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