Kaltura Events

Kaltura V7 Player - using the interactive dual screen tools

The Dual Screen tool enhances the user experience while viewing a specific session. This tool enables attendees to watch two synchronized videos from two different sources in one player. 

Primary Video - The primary video will be played with audio and, by default, viewed as the “main” video unless specified otherwise. The timeline reflects the duration of the primary video only. 

Secondary Video - The secondary video will be played without audio input and, by default, will be viewed as the “minimized" video unless specified otherwise. 

Picture-in-Picture Layout: This layout presents the primary video in the larger player and the secondary video minimized. 

Users can also switch between media sources, i.e., swapping the media to make the secondary video large and the primary video minimized. 

Drag and move the minimized player around the screen and show or hide the minimized screen.

Side-by-Side Layout –This layout enables attendees to split the screen into 2 and view 2 videos in a ½ ratio. The primary and secondary videos can be switched from left to right and right to left as desired. 

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