

Entry Editing
Entry Editing Tabs Overview The editing tabs that are displayed depend on the type of media you select. All the entry details are listed on the top of your display. Use the arrows to navigate through the entries table. The following informati...
Create a Draft Entry
About Draft entries are like empty containers waiting to be filled with content. You can set metadata and publishing details upfront or alongside media processing. This flexibility is great for larger media teams, where metadata and media pr...
Entries Updated
What is a Kaltura entry? A Kaltura entry is the file that is created when you upload media to the KMC. The entry includes flavors, thumbnails, standard and custom metadata, captions, scheduling settings, advertising cue points, specific acce...
Replace an Entry via KMC
About You have the option to swap out media content without altering the entry's metadata, ID or analytics. When replacing an entry, all transcoding flavors are updated together to prevent any errors between the old and new ver...
Delete entries New
You can easily delete one or multiple entries that you uploaded to the KMC. If you'd like to replace an entry, visit our article How to replace media in KMC . Log into your KMC. The Entries  page displays by default. Check the c...
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